1. Helyettesítsd be a következő mondatokba a need/need to megfelelő alakját!

Például: I need to take more exercise.

1. I ...................................... go home at 6 o'clock.
2. You .......................................... have a shower.
3. I .................................................. more coffee.
4. We ........................................ buy some books.
5. He ............................................ a new bicycle.
6. They .................................. some paper to write.
7. I .......................................... do the housework.
8. She ....................................................... help.

2. Írj 5 mondatot, hogy mit kell tenned!

Például: I need to wash the car.


1. I need to ...............................................................................


2. I need to ...............................................................................


3. I need to ...............................................................................


4. I need to ...............................................................................


5. I need to ...............................................................................


3. Alkoss mondatokat a need és a zárójelben lévő ige felhasználásával!

Például: The bin is full. (empty)

It needs emptying.

1. The walls are dirty. (paint)



2. The grass is long. (cut)



3. The room isn't very clean. (clean)



4. The car isn't new. (repair)



5. The clothes are crumpled. (iron)



4. Helyettesítsd be az következő mondatokba a needn't és az alábbi igék egyikét!

Például: You needn't get up early.

get up

1. You ..................................................................... about me. I'm fine.


2. You .......................................................... to explain. I'm not intrested.


3. She ...................................... everything, just the name and the address.


4. We ........................................................... this secret to anybody else.


5. You ........................................................................ if you don't want.