1. A megadott szavak és a would like kifejezés felhasználásával alkoss mondatot!

Például: drink a coffee

I would like to drink a coffee.


1. go home



2. listen to music



3. eat something



4. go to a party



5. have a new car




2. Írj 5 mondatot, hogy mit szeretnél!

Például: I would like to go on holiday.


1. .................................................................................


2. .................................................................................


3. .................................................................................


4. .................................................................................


5. .................................................................................


3. Javítsd ki az alábbi mondatokban esetlegesen előforduló hibákat!

Például: I would like take the exam.

I would like to take the exam.


1. We would like to talk to the boss.


2. He would likes to buy this book.


3. I would like have a licence.


4. She would like to send a postcard.


5. Would like you to play tennis?


4. Alkoss kérdéseket a megadott szavak felhasználásával!

Például: you/join the army

Would you like to join the army?

1. they/rent a room



2. she/buy something



3. he/do the shopping



4. you/drive



5. you/have a dog

